Welcome! If you are reading this, you were probably given early access to our current Episode One VR build, to help us iron out a few bugs before launch and/or spread the word about the mod. :) Here are some important details for you, please go over them carefully.

Reporting on the mod

As with the HL2VR prerelease, there are no strings attached, no NDAs or embargoes. You are free to report on the mod in any form and at any time. That being said, we do appreciate if you communicate issues you faced to us first.

If you do want to do us a favor, you can:

  • Link to the Steam store page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2177750/HalfLife_2_VR_Mod__Episode_One/ - People wishlisting the mod help us by increasing its visibility on Steam. The public launch is planned for March 17th!
  • Link to our donations page: https://ko-fi.com/sourcevrmodteam


The controls are the same as for the base game. If you need a refresher, check out the manual.

Tips for recording

If you intend to record the screen mirror, note that the game’s window by default uses a resolution of 720p. To get higher quality video, you may want to increase that resolution. You can do so by adding e.g. -w 1920 -h 1080 to the game’s launch options.

Furthermore, you might want to disable the game mirroring the HUD and menu to the window, as that will cause it to display double in your recording. To do so, open the console in-game via the button in the options menu, then type hlvr_hud_on_mirror -1. To revert this change, type hlvr_hud_on_mirror 1.

New features

If it’s been a while since you’ve played HL2VR, we have released a couple of QoL updates since its launch. Here are a few of the highlights you may have missed:

  • All weapons are now fleshed out in both their mechanics and animations. Missing muzzle flashes and ejected shells have also been restored where appropriate.
  • Support for bHaptics vests. If you got one, you might as well pull it out from storage for your Episode One playthrough! ;)
  • Teleport movement. You can choose to either fully replace smooth locomotion with teleport, or only replace Jump with teleport and use locomotion and teleport in combination.
  • A first-time setup wizard to choose your movement and comfort preferences. You should see it when you first launch Episode One.
  • New vehicle camera modes for added comfort. Not really relevant for Episode One, but I thought I’d mention it in case you revisit the base game, or just for the upcoming Episode Two. :)

Episode Two

We hope to have Episode Two ready soon after the release of Episode One. Our current goal is to release Episode Two on April 6th, just in time for Easter. However, this date is not confirmed, so please do make that clear if you want to report on it! :) You will receive keys for Episode Two early access in due time.